Supporting Migrant Inclusion in Lifelong

Learning and Education

About the Project

The Supporting Migrant Inclusion in Lifelong Learning and Education (SMILE) project aims to build the capacity of adult educators to improve and increase the knowledge, skills and competences of both teachers and migrants in promoting migrant inclusion in adult education.



FSM will be collaborating with the Learning Support Unit and Student Liaison Manager at MCAST, to develop an accredited 3 ECTS study unit (Level 5) for teachers of Further Education, on Migrant Inclusion in Lifelong Learning. The study unit will be developed under the scrutiny of MCAST's quality assurance, verification and accreditation processes. This module will be designed with the help of partners in Cyprus, Sweden and Slovenia, and will be tested and accredited by MCAST to train teachers in inclusive pedagogies.



Here you will find a collection of reports and recommendations discussing the issues of migrants’ inclusion in adult education. The reports and recommendations are aimed at teachers within lifelong learning and adult education programmes, school administrators and education policymakers, learning support workers who provide psychosocial support to migrant learners and migrant peers and communities.

